Ero sivun ”Translations:Nettitikut ja mokkulat/8/en” versioiden välillä

Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
(Ak: Uusi sivu: Instead, the USB modem itself has to be configured to use the operator’s settings (usually the settings are already in order). The instructions can be found from the USB modem’...)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
Instead, the USB modem itself has to be configured to use the operator’s settings (usually the settings are already in order). The instructions can be found from the USB modem’s package or the opearator’s website. If you’re not sure if the USB modem is preconfigured, you should test it first with a computer and make sure it can be used to connect to the internet. At the same time it is recommended to check the USB modems other connection-related settings (connect automatically, always on etc.).
Instead, the USB modem itself has to be configured to use the operator’s settings (usually the settings are already in order). The instructions can be found from the USB modem’s package or the opearator’s website. If you’re not sure if the USB modem is preconfigured, you should test it first with a computer and make sure it can be used to connect to the internet.

Nykyinen versio 5. heinäkuuta 2016 kello 12.17

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Viestin määritelmä (Nettitikut ja mokkulat)
Sen sijaan nettitikku pitää itsessään konfiguroida käytetyn operaattorin asetuksilla (useimmiten asetukset ovat jo nettitikussa valmiina). Ohjeet löytyvät nettitikun paketista tai käytetyn operaattorin sivuilta. Mikäli et ole varma onko nettitikku konfiguroitu valmiiksi, kannattaa se ensin testata tietokoneella ja varmistaa, että sen kautta pääsee internetiin.
KäännösInstead, the USB modem itself has to be configured to use the operator’s settings (usually the settings are already in order). The instructions can be found from the USB modem’s package or the opearator’s website. If you’re not sure if the USB modem is preconfigured, you should test it first with a computer and make sure it can be used to connect to the internet.

Instead, the USB modem itself has to be configured to use the operator’s settings (usually the settings are already in order). The instructions can be found from the USB modem’s package or the opearator’s website. If you’re not sure if the USB modem is preconfigured, you should test it first with a computer and make sure it can be used to connect to the internet.