Ero sivun ”Translations:Kokousten lisäys/33/en” versioiden välillä

Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
(Ak: Uusi sivu: In addition to the conference reservations, other material can be normally presented (“add content” from the Overview page). Presentations made with the Conference tool are aut...)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
In addition to the conference reservations, other material can be normally presented (“add content” from the Overview page). Presentations made with the Conference tool are automatically prioritized as “normal”. When conference reservations are active, other presentations will be shown on the displays in turns with the conference reservations if their priority is set to normal, or override the conference reservations if their priority is set to high. Choose the "background" priority for other material if you want it to show only when there are no conference reservations.
In addition to the conference reservations, other material can be normally presented (“add content” from the Overview page). Presentations made with the Conference tool are automatically prioritized as “normal”. When conference reservations are active, other presentations will be shown on the displays in turns with the conference reservations if their priority is set to normal, or override the conference reservations if their priority is set to high. Choose the "background" priority for other presentations if you want them to show only when there are no conference reservations.

Nykyinen versio 6. heinäkuuta 2016 kello 08.35

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Viestin määritelmä (Kokousten lisäys)
"Yhteenveto"-sivun kautta voidaan ovenpieli- ja koontinäytöille laittaa myös muutakin materiaalia kuin kokoustoimintoja. Kokousvaraukset tulevat järjestelmästä automaattisesti prioriteetille "normaali", joten jos muun materiaalin toivotaan näkyvän vain silloin, kun kokousvarauksia ei ole, tulee lisätyn materiaalin prioriteetin olla "tausta". Jos näytöllä halutaan esittää vuorotellen kokousvarauksia ja vuorotellen muuta materiaalia, tulee muun materiaalin prioriteetin olla "normaali". Korkea prioriteetti ajaa kokoustoimintojen yli.
KäännösIn addition to the conference reservations, other material can be normally presented (“add content” from the Overview page). Presentations made with the Conference tool are automatically prioritized as “normal”. When conference reservations are active, other presentations will be shown on the displays in turns with the conference reservations if their priority is set to normal, or override the conference reservations if their priority is set to high. Choose the "background" priority for other presentations if you want them to show only when there are no conference reservations.

In addition to the conference reservations, other material can be normally presented (“add content” from the Overview page). Presentations made with the Conference tool are automatically prioritized as “normal”. When conference reservations are active, other presentations will be shown on the displays in turns with the conference reservations if their priority is set to normal, or override the conference reservations if their priority is set to high. Choose the "background" priority for other presentations if you want them to show only when there are no conference reservations.