Ero sivun ”Translations:Asiakkaan verkkoyhteys/3/en” versioiden välillä

Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
Videos are downloaded in parts of 1 megabyte from the server into the media player and after every part there is a 4 second break. Because of this the maximum bandwidth usage is 256kB/s per media player. Videos are transferred like this so the media player can resume downloading should the connection be lost / the device rebooted mid-way in the process. In this way the whole video file doesn’t have to be downloaded from the beginning. Because of this also the network strain remains minimal. The bandwidth usage to the server is not limited. When transferring videos to the server the maximum speed of the network is used.
Videos are downloaded in parts of 1 megabyte from the server into the media player and after every part there is a 4 second break. Because of this the maximum bandwidth usage is 256kB/s per media player. Videos are transferred like this so the media player can resume downloading should the connection be lost / the device rebooted mid-way in the process. In this way the whole video file doesn’t have to be downloaded from the beginning. Because of this also the network strain remains minimal.  
The bandwidth usage to the server is not limited. When transferring videos to the server the maximum speed of the network is used.

Nykyinen versio 5. heinäkuuta 2016 kello 12.30

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Viestin määritelmä (Asiakkaan verkkoyhteys)
Videot ladataan 1 megatavun osissa palvelimelta soittimeen ja jokaisen osan välissä on 4 sekunnin tauko. Tästä johtuen teoreettinen maksimikaistankulutus on 256kB/s per soitin. Videoiden siirtäminen mediasoittimiin tehdään kyseisellä tavalla, koska jos yhteys jostain syystä katkeaa / soitin käynnistetään kesken latauksen uudelleen, niin soitin voi jatkaa lataamistaan siitä kohtaa mihin se jäi. Näin lataus ei aloita koko ison videotiedoston hakemista aina uudelleen. Verkon kuormitus pysyy myös vähäisenä tämän takia. Palvelimen suuntaan ei ole rajoitettu maksimikaistankulutusta. Käyttäjän siirtäessä videoita palvelimelle ne siirtyvät verkon maksiminopeudella.
KäännösVideos are downloaded in parts of 1 megabyte from the server into the media player and after every part there is a 4 second break. Because of this the maximum bandwidth usage is 256kB/s per media player. Videos are transferred like this so the media player can resume downloading should the connection be lost / the device rebooted mid-way in the process. In this way the whole video file doesn’t have to be downloaded from the beginning. Because of this also the network strain remains minimal. 

The bandwidth usage to the server is not limited. When transferring videos to the server the maximum speed of the network is used.

Videos are downloaded in parts of 1 megabyte from the server into the media player and after every part there is a 4 second break. Because of this the maximum bandwidth usage is 256kB/s per media player. Videos are transferred like this so the media player can resume downloading should the connection be lost / the device rebooted mid-way in the process. In this way the whole video file doesn’t have to be downloaded from the beginning. Because of this also the network strain remains minimal.

The bandwidth usage to the server is not limited. When transferring videos to the server the maximum speed of the network is used.