Ero sivun ”Translations:Huolto&Tukipalvelut/5/en” versioiden välillä

Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
(Ak: Uusi sivu: Should the media player malfunction during its time of warranty FirstView will maintain the device or provide a new one if needed. The media players will be shipped to FirstView fo...)
Rivi 1: Rivi 1:
Should the media player malfunction during its time of warranty FirstView will maintain the device or provide a new one if needed. The media players will be shipped to FirstView for maintenenace unless agreed otherwise. In warranty maintenances the client is responsible for posting fees.
Should the media player malfunction during its time of warranty FirstView will maintain the device or provide a new one if needed. The media players will be shipped to FirstView for maintenenace unless agreed otherwise. In warranty maintenances the customer is responsible for posting fees.

Nykyinen versio 5. heinäkuuta 2016 kello 13.27

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Viestin määritelmä (Huolto&Tukipalvelut)
Mediasoittimen vikaantuessa takuuaikana FirstView huoltaa tai uusii laitteen tarpeen vaatiessa. Mediasoittimet toimitetaan FirstView:lle huoltoon ellei asiakkaan kanssa sovita toisin. Takuuhuolloissa postikulut kuuluvat asiakkaalle.
KäännösShould the media player malfunction during its time of warranty FirstView will maintain the device or provide a new one if needed. The media players will be shipped to FirstView for maintenenace unless agreed otherwise. In warranty maintenances the customer is responsible for posting fees.

Should the media player malfunction during its time of warranty FirstView will maintain the device or provide a new one if needed. The media players will be shipped to FirstView for maintenenace unless agreed otherwise. In warranty maintenances the customer is responsible for posting fees.